16th January 2025
For Immediate Release
The Chartered Institute of
Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) Provides Key Suggestions on the
Toll Arrangements for Tai Lam Tunnel upon the Government’s Takeover
The CILTHK is a leading professional body in
the logistics and transport industry in Hong Kong. We support the Government’s
policy objectives of adopting a multi-pronged strategy to alleviate road
traffic congestion, encompassing efforts to improve transport infrastructure,
expand and enhance public transport services, and manage the use of roads.
In view of that, CILTHK support the
Government’s proposed toll arrangement, which leverages the latest technology
to implement time-varying tolls aimed at maintaining
smooth traffic at the Tai Lam Tunnel and ensuring the reliable
operation of public transport services utilizing the tunnel. We appreciate the
Transport Department for adopting a robust traffic modelling forecast approach,
incorporating various toll scenario tests to develop an optimized toll plan
that duly considers the congestion levels of parallel routes such as Tolo
Highway and Tuen Mun Road. Additionally, we welcome the Transport Department’s
prioritization of commercial vehicle operations and public transport services,
within the Tai Lam Tunnel. We believe that the reduction in toll charges for
bus services will enhance their operational efficiency and ultimately benefit
bus passengers. This initiative also opens up new opportunities to accommodate the
increasing traffic demands anticipated from population growth in the Northern
About The Chartered Institute of
Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
in Hong Kong (CILTHK) is a major branch of The Chartered Institute of Logistics
and Transport (CILT). The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (www.ciltinternational.org)
is an organisation with an established international pedigree with over 30,000
members working in over 100 countries. It was formed in the United Kingdom in
1919 and granted a Royal Chartered in 1926.
CILTHK (www.cilt.org.hk)
was set up in 1968 and is one of the CILT global chapters. CILT is presented
worldwide and we all share the common cause to promote and advance the art and
science of supply chain, logistics and transport. Currently, the membership of
CILTHK is around 2,000 and broadly ranges from experienced senior manager to
junior staff in the industries of shipping, logistics, airline, railway, road,
public transport, government, educational institutes and consultancy. The
Institute regularly organises professional programmes and activities for
members, such as seminars, forums, conferences, technical visits; formulates
and implements professional codes to ensure and uphold the professional
standards in the industry.
Further Enquiry
Please feel free to contact 2866-6336 or by
email at info@cilt.org.hk for any areas of our
suggestions that we can amplify further.
- End -
(CILTHK) 是國際運輸物流學會一個主要分會,而國際運輸物流學會 (CILT) (網址:https://www.ciltinternational.org)是一國際性的非牟利專業組織,現時超過 30 個分會,全球超過 30,000 名會員,遍佈 100 多個國家及地區。學會於 1919 年在英國成立, 並於 1926 年獲頒皇家特許狀。
1968 年成立。學會成立宗旨是推廣及提升供應鏈、 物流以及運輸等各範疇的藝術和科學。學會涵蓋多個不同行業,包括海陸 空的客運和貨運。現時香港學會由約 2,000 名會員組成,當中包括資深行政人員、政府公務員、公私營機構及顧問公司的專業人士。學會定期為會員舉辦專業認可培訓及專業活動,例如研討會、論壇、大型會議、參觀活動及持續專業發展計劃;並制定及推行專業守則,確保並維護業內的專業水準。
如需進一步瞭解我們的建議,請致電 2866-6336 或發送電郵至 info@cilt.org.hk