CILTHK Establishes Task Force on Low Altitude Economy

20th December 2024

For Immediate Release

CILTHK Establishes Task Force on Low Altitude Economy 

In response to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government's initiative on the development of a low-altitude economy, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) has formed a Low Altitude Economy Task Force (LAE Task Force). The formation of the LAE Task Force is a strategic initiative in CILTHK aims to explore transport and logistics perspectives vital for the advancement of the low-altitude economy in the region.


The LAE Task Force will focus on critical areas to ensure a comprehensive approach to policy formulation that supports this emerging sector. Its key objectives include:


1. Conducting Research and Providing Recommendations:

The task force will undertake thorough research and discussion forum to provide recommendations in the HKSAR Government's policy-making process. This will ensure that the unique needs of the low-altitude economy under both transport and logistics industries are adequately addressed.


2. Logistics in Hong Kong:

The task force will analyse the internal logistics framework to identify changing demands and innovation within the local context.


3. Transport in Hong Kong:

An assessment of existing transport systems will be conducted to optimize operations and cater to the demands of a growing low-altitude economy.


4. Low Altitude Economy in the Greater Bay Area:

The task force will also explore integration of low-attitude economy initiatives within the boarder context of the Greater Bay Area.

CILTHK is committed to playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of logistics and transport in Hong Kong. The establishment of the LAE Task Force marks a significant step towards harnessing the potential of the low-altitude economy, which promises to create new avenues for growth and innovation.

The membership of the Task Force is as follows:



Dr. Isaac K.C. NG, FCILT (Vice President of CILTHK)




Ir Prof. Sam Man-sang CHOW, FCILT (President of CILTHK)

Ms. Anna Yu-han HONG, FCILT (Vice President of CILTHK)

Ir Carmen CHU, FCILT (Chair of Transport Policy Committee, Council Member, CILTHK)

Mr. Clement Ding-kwok HO, CMILT (Chair of Professional Activities and Greater Bay Area Committee, Council Member, CILTHK)

Mr. John Shing-chung YU, CMILT (Chair of Logistics Policy Committee, Council Member, CILTHK)

Mr. Joe Cho-wai LO, CMILT (Member of Logistics Policy Committee, CILTHK)

Dr. Simon Sheung-man YUEN, CMILT (Member of Logistics Policy Committee, CILTHK)



For further inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Isaac K.C. Ng

Vice President 

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK)


Phone: 91401233

About The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) is a major branch of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport ( is an organisation with an established international pedigree with over 30,000 members working in over 100 countries. It was formed in the United Kingdom in 1919 and granted a Royal Chartered in 1926.

CILTHK ( was set up in 1968 and is one of the CILT global chapters. CILT is presented worldwide and we all share the common cause to promote and advance the art and science of supply chain, logistics and transport. Currently, the membership of CILTHK is around 2,000 and broadly ranges from experienced senior manager to junior staff in the industries of shipping, logistics, airline, railway, road, public transport, government, educational institutes and consultancy. The Institute regularly organises professional programmes and activities for members, such as seminars, forums, conferences, technical visits; formulates and implements professional codes to ensure and uphold the professional standards in the industry.

Further Enquiry

Please feel free to contact 2866-6336 or by email at for any areas of our suggestions that we can amplify further.

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20241220 為響應香港特別行政區政府推動低空經濟發展的倡議,香港運輸物流學會為此成立低空經濟專責小組。此低空經濟專責小組旨在探索對於推進本地低空經濟時對至關重要的運輸和物流行業帶來的影響及轉變。


1. 進行研究並提供建議:



2. 香港的物流:



3. 香港的運輸:



4. 大灣區的低空經濟:






吳家鎚博士,FCILT (香港運輸物流學會 副會長)




周文生教授工程師,FCILT  (香港運輸物流學會 會長)

康宇嫻女士,FCILT  (香港運輸物流學會 副會長)

朱家敏工程師,FCILT  (香港運輸物流學會 運輸事務委員會主席)

何定國先生,CMILT  (香港運輸物流學會 専業活動及大灣區委員會主席)

于承忠先生,CMILT  (香港運輸物流學會 物流事務委員會主席)

盧祖偉先生,CMILT  (香港運輸物流學會 物流事務委員會委員)

袁尚文博士,CMILT (香港運輸物流學會 物流事務委員會委員)





香港物流及運輸學會 (CILTHK) 




香港運輸物流學會 (CILTHK) 是國際運輸物流學會一個主要分會,而國際運輸物流學會 (CILT)     (網址:是一國際性的非牟利專業組織,現時超過 30 個分會,全球超過 30,000 名會員,遍佈 100 多個國家及地區。學會於 1919 年在英國成立, 並於 1926 年獲頒皇家特許狀。

香港運輸物流學會則於 1968 年成立。學會成立宗旨是推廣及提升供應鏈、 物流以及運輸等各範疇的藝術和科學。學會涵蓋多個不同行業,包括海陸 空的客運和貨運。現時香港學會由約 2,000 名會員組成,當中包括資深行政人員、政府公務員、公私營機構及顧問公司的專業人士。學會定期為會員舉辦專業認可培訓及專業活動,例如研討會、論壇、大型會議、參觀活動及持續專業發展計劃;並制定及推行專業守則,確保並維護業內的專業水準。


如需進一步瞭解我們的建議,請致電 2866-6336 或發送電郵至 與本會聯繫。

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