Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference 2024 (ALMAC 2024)
CILTHK is pleased to support the below programme.

Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference 2024

Shaping the Future of Supply Chains: Resilience and Sustainability

ALMAC brings together the stakeholders along supply chain, including logistics, maritime, air freight and supply chain management services providers and shippers, including brands, manufacturers, traders and distributors, to exchange market intelligence and explore business opportunities in the region

Key Discussion Topics:
  •  Megatrends on Global Trade and Supply Chains
  •  Regional Connectivity and Opportunities
  •  Supply Chain Diversification
  •  Sustainability
  •  Innovation and Technology 

Date:18-19 November 2024 (Monday-Tuesday) 
Format: Physical supplemented with VOD for a month after the event
Venue: Hall 3FG, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Full Pass: USD250/ HKD1,950 (Special discount for CILTHK members: HKD975) 
Registration code for CILTHK members:  AP5-SO2
*Online registration and payment settled on or before 31 October 2024 

Please click HERE for more details or registration of the Conference.

For Enquiries: 

Ms. Kristie Sun                                        Ms. Cloris Li
Tel : (852) 2584 4281                              Tel : (852) 2584 4097
Email :              Email :