CILTHK Provides Key Suggestions on Logistics and Transport for the Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong

For Immediate Release

The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) Provides Key Suggestions on Logistics and Transport for the Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong

The CILTHK is a leading professional body in the logistics and transport industry in Hong Kong. We support sustainable technology adaption and business development of our members and explore collaboration with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, to develop short to long-term hydrogen strategy that provides viable solution for Hong Kong.

After due consultation from leading and sizeable companies in logistics and transport industry (the industry) in Hong Kong and also professional members in the industry, the strength of our over 1,800 professional members to furnish our key suggestions on The Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong in relation to our industry for the consideration of the Hong Kong Government.  

Our key suggestions for the Government are 

  1. Economic and Operational
  2. Government-Industry Collaboration
  3. Future Plans and Challenges
Economic and Operational Concerns
  • Vehicle Purchase Costs: The initial high purchase costs of hydrogen vehicles, currently about more than twice that of traditional vehicles, could lead to higher bus fares or necessitate additional government subsidies to alleviate operational pressures.
  • Subsidies and Infrastructure: Initial stages will require government subsidies for both infrastructure and vehicles. The availability of grey hydrogen from the utility providers pipeline network could help manage costs, but the limited number of filling stations poses a logistical challenge.
  • Operational Approvals and Challenges: Accelerate regulation and government approval for operating hydrogen vehicles in tunnel, including incident management and response plan, together with refuelling stations and the commercialisation of hydrogen remain significant challenge, such that the refuelling method can become sustainable to accommodate larger vehicle fleet. A robust regulatory framework can be developed with regulation amendments, funding, and land support.
  • Conversion of Existing Stations: To explore the feasibility of transforming current petrol stations into hydrogen refuelling stations. This strategy could alleviate some of the difficulties associated with selecting new locations, given that the public is already aware of the risks associated with petrol stations. It is also crucial to examine the impact on the existing petrol/diesel vehicle fleet to ensure a smooth transition, such that the transition should be feasible to match the future demand.
Government-Industry Collaboration 
  • Task Force and Technology Leverage: Involvement in a Task Force focused on making hydrogen vehicles (including heavy goods vehicles) environmentally friendly. Leveraging technology and experience is crucial, learn from the Mainland and overseas experience to develop variable solution, supported by adequate funding. The importance of collaboration with the Mainland to achieve economies of scale and lower costs. The Mainland’s advancements in hydrogen technology, particularly for heavy-duty vehicles, can benefit Hong Kong, such as the National Hydrogen Centre in Foshan. Hence, it is vital for our profession to engage and understand more on Government’s plan, such that the Strategy can be further strengthen.
  • Continued Subsidies and Research Centre: The importance of continued government subsidies for the transportation sector to encourage the adoption of hydrogen vehicles for various purposes. The research centre with comprehensive research on the hydrogen supply chain, including production, transportation, and storage. Challenges faced in planning refuelling stations, such as land use issues and resident opposition, are relevant to Hong Kong’s high urban density.
Future Plans and Challenges
These future plans involve collaboration among various government departments and private entities in Hong Kong, but shall be extended to Greater Bay Area (GBA) and beyond, to establish a sustainable hydrogen technology and infrastructure. A Long-term Strategy with further details to reduce the cost of hydrogen vehicles and their operations, together with:
  • Public Education and Safety: Highlights the need for public education on hydrogen safety. Learnt from previous experience in the promotion of the introduction of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that public perception of safety hazard could be overreacted. An educational process is essential to increase the awareness of hydrogen energy and gain public support.
  • Safety Measures and Training: Ensuring key safety measures are in place and providing proper training to operators and users of hydrogen vehicles and refuelling stations is crucial. Regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to ensure the safe operation of hydrogen infrastructure, the development of stringent safety measures for the handling of hydrogen is vital.
  • Marine Sector Consideration: The strategy should include other transport sectors such as the marine, where ferries can also fully leverage hydrogen technology.
The strategy for hydrogen development in Hong Kong is a promising step towards sustainable energy. However, it requires careful planning, substantial investment, and collaboration among various stakeholders. Addressing regulatory and economic concerns, expanding infrastructure, and developing a detailed long-term strategy are essential for the successful implementation of this initiative. Public education, leveraging Mainland and overseas technology and operation advancements, also considering the marine sector to develop a more comprehensive approach in overcoming challenges and achieving the goals of this strategy.

About The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) is a major branch of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport ( is an organisation with an established international pedigree with over 30,000 members working in over 100 countries. It was formed in the United Kingdom in 1919 and granted a Royal Chartered in 1926.

CILTHK ( was set up in 1968 and is one of the CILT global chapters. CILT is presented worldwide and we all share the common cause to promote and advance the art and science of supply chain, logistics and transport. Currently, the membership of CILTHK is around 2,000 and broadly ranges from experienced senior manager to junior staff in the industries of shipping, logistics, airline, railway, road, public transport, government, educational institutes and consultancy. The Institute regularly organises professional programmes and activities for members, such as seminars, forums, conferences, technical visits; formulates and implements professional codes to ensure and uphold the professional standards in the industry

Further enquiry
Please feel free to contact 2866-6336 or by email at for any areas of our suggestions that we can amplify further.

Thank you in anticipation for your kind consideration of our suggestions. Let us join hands to embrace the development of greener and more sustainable future for Hong Kong. 


香港氫能發展策略  物流及運輸的主要建議




  1. 經濟和營運考慮
  2. 政府與行業合作
  3. 未來計劃和挑戰


  • 車輛購置成本:氫能車輛的初始購置成本較高,目前約為傳統車輛的兩倍以上,這可能導致巴士票價上漲或需要額外的政府補貼以緩解營運壓力。
  • 補貼和基礎設施:早期需要政府對基礎設施和車輛提供補貼。來自公用輸氣管道網絡的灰氫可幫助控制成本,但加氫站數量有限,構成了物流方面的挑戰。
  • 營運審批和挑戰:加快政府對氫能車輛在隧道內營運的審批和立法,包括事故管理和應急計劃,以及仍然存在重大挑戰的加氫站和氫能產業的商業化,確保可持續化的加氫配套設施可以滿足更大規模的車隊。可以通過法規修訂、資金和土地支持來制定健全的監管框架。
  • 現有加油站的轉變:探索將現有加油站轉變為加氫站的可行性。這一策略可以緩解選擇新地點的困難,因為公眾已經瞭解加油站的風險。同時,還需檢查對現有汽油/柴油車隊的影響,以確保平穩過渡,使其能夠滿足未來需求。


  • 專責小組和技術利用:參與專注於使氫能車輛(包括重型貨車)環保的專責小組。善用現有技術和經驗至關重要,學習內地和海外經驗以制定不同的解決方案,並獲得充足資金支持。與內地合作以實現規模經濟和降低成本。內地在氫能技術方面的進展,特別是重型車輛方面,可以使香港受益,例如佛山的國家氫能中心。因此,我們的專業人士必須參與並瞭解政府的計劃,以便進一步加強策略。
  • 持續補貼和研究中心:持續政府補貼對於鼓勵運輸行業採用氫能車輛至關重要。研究中心應對氫能供應鏈進行全面研究,包括生產、運輸和儲存。規劃加氫站時面臨的挑戰,如土地使用問題和居民反對,與香港的高城市密度相關。


  • 公眾教育和安全:強調公眾教育對氫能安全的重要性。從推廣液化石油氣的經驗中學到,公眾對安全隱患的認知可能會過度反應。教育過程對提高氫能認識和獲得公眾支持至關重要。
  • 安全措施和培訓:確保關鍵安全措施到位,並為氫能車輛和加氫站的操作人員和使用者提供適當的培訓。定期檢查和維護對於確保氫能基礎設施的安全運行至關重要,制定嚴格的氫能處理安全措施是必不可少的。
  • 關於航運業考慮:策略應包括其他運輸行業,如海運業,渡輪也可以充分利用氫能技術。



香港運輸物流學會 (CILTHK) 是運輸物流學會一個主要分會,而運輸物流學  (CILT)(網址:是一國際性的非牟利專 業組織,現時超過 30 個分會,全球超過 30,000 名會員,遍布 100 多個國 家及地區。學會於 1919 年在英國成立,並於 1926 年獲頒皇家特許狀。

香港運輸物流學會則於 1968 年成立。學會成立宗旨是推廣及提升供應鏈、 物流以及運輸等各範疇的科學及技術。學會涵蓋多個不同行業,包括海陸 空的客運和貨運。現時香港學會由約 2,000 名會員組成,當中包括資深行政 人員、政府公務員、公私營機構及顧問公司的專業人士。學會定期為會員 舉辦專業認可培訓及專業活動,例如研討會、論壇、大型會議、參觀活動及 持續專業發展計劃;並制定及推行專業守則,確保並維護業內的專業水平。

如需進一步瞭解我們的建議,請致電 2866-6336 或發送電子郵件 與本會聯繫。


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